Tamarron Homeowners' Association, Inc.
Bloomington, Indiana
Not just a neighborhood, a community
Tamarron is a residential neighborhood located in Bloomington, Indiana on east 10th street, and just east of Smith road. The Tamarron community is made up of three distinct neighborhoods - The Heights, The Village and The Vista. Each residence in Tamarron is part of the neighborhood homeowners association (THOA). The Association maintains the common area within Tamarron. This area includes the entrance, the entrance walls and lighting, circle planter, the walkway from the Heights to University School and ground designated as common area in between the east end of the Vista and Heights.
THOA monthly board meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. A link is emailed to the membership prior to the meeting. If you have any questions about the meetings, please call (812) 331-9095 or
email manager at tamarron.org.
Tamarron Homeowners' Association, Inc.
323 E. Winslow Road Suite 100
Bloomington, IN 47401
(812) 331-9095
manager at tamarron.org